Important Notice - In June 2024, we released a new version of our Inventory system. Updated documentation for the Inventory is available in our new Support Portal. All documentation for the entire eLabNext platform will be fully migrated to the new Support Portal over the course of 2024. Start using the new Inventory documentation.

To track and be notified about the expiration date of samples or chemicals stored in the lab inventory, you can enable the expiration date in the sample type template. Navigate to Sample Types under configuration to set the Expiration Date field to enabled.

Once the Expiration Date field has been enabled, the option to set the expiration date is now present when adding a sample. 

In the Advanced Search you can find samples by expiration date. In the Expiration Date tab, you can set the conditions find items in the inventory that will expire or already have been expired.

Use the Save Search function to store your search and create a quick-search option in the menu to periodically list items of which the expiration date has passed. Note that it is currently not yet possible to be notified automatically when the expiry date has passed.